The Thinking Man’s Metal Blog
There are two reasons why I started this web site:
- I enjoy discovering insights about a band, a particular album or a song, or a certain musical event. I believe the more you know what went into a certain musical piece, the richer your listening experience will be. I hope to contribute to your experience by sharing what I’ve discovered along the way.
- Unfortunately many rock and metal sites these days focus on click-bait articles and try to generate interest by taking quotes out of context and using false information. Whether they do these intentionally or not is up for debate, but the fact is there are not many sites that focus on accuracy of their information.
Megadepth is a blog that focuses on hard rock and heavy metal bands and musicians. But unlike many other sites/blogs that do quick posts without the proper research, I dedicate my time to in-depth articles. I always add my opinion in the articles, but you will know that I base them on facts; not rumors.
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