Dangerous Times for the Dead – Singles Reviews

Dangerous Times for the Dead – Singles Reviews

One of my favorite things about running this site is the discovery of new bands. You’ll find me talking about that quite a bit. Today, I’m coming to you with a band that I just discovered: Dangerous Times for the Dead. They’ve been active for a while...
New Mega-Depth Podcast!

New Mega-Depth Podcast!

I don’t make too many announcements here, but I want to cover some major ones so everyone is aware. There is now a Mega-Depth podcast! You can find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and PodBean. If there are other outlets you use, let me know! I’ll see if I...
Gear Summary of 2020

Gear Summary of 2020

If you’ve been to this site before, then you know at the end of every year, I do a Gear Summary. I go back to some of my major purchases of the year – I usually don’t include smaller ones but there are exceptions – and write about why I made the purchase...

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